
Avoiding Pitfalls in SPV Transactions

FNEX, a Private Securities Liquidity Platform and Investment Bank, Launches the FNEX Institutional Dark Pool

FNEX, a leading private securities liquidity platform and fintech-enabled investment bank, announced the launch of the FNEX Institutional Dark Pool — an internal, proprietary software platform and data tool for investment bankers to match institutional, private security transactions.

The FNEX Dark Pool offers a confidential venue for FNEX financial professionals to source and transact large blocks of private securities.

A Solution for the Evolving Private Market

As the private securities market continues to evolve, the need for secure, efficient, and discreet trading solutions has become more apparent. The FNEX Institutional Dark Pool addresses these needs by providing a solution tailored to institutional investors who deal with private securities. The FNEX Dark Pool offers an innovative solution that ensures privacy, transparency, and liquidity.

Key Features of the FNEX Institutional Dark Pool

  • Institutional Deal Crossing – Through the FNEX Dark Pool, our Brokers can provide confidential transaction execution for institutional clients in the private securities market
  • Capacity – With a global presence of over 120 financial professionals, seasoned in private securities, and a multitude of inter-banking relationships, FNEX provides unrivaled institutional representation

Put Our Experience to Work for You

  • Over $15B in recent transactions
  • Global Institutional client relationships
  • Vast and multi-sector private company relationships
  • Proprietary secondary transaction deal flow
  • Proprietary price and market data through FNEX platforms
  • Unparalleled market intelligence for companies and investors

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